Here is what one of our students has to say about LiberiaCare.
Liberia continues to be one of the world’s poorest countries, in part because of two civil wars that spanned 13 years and killed 250,000 people, an Ebola outbreak which killed thousands, and the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Long term economic destabilization and a weakened health system have left Liberia without resources and with over half its population in poverty.
As a result of the country’s turbulent past, Liberians suffer from high rates of unemployment, illiteracy, and death from preventable diseases. LiberiaCare is a non-profit organization based in Switzerland, Germany, and Liberia that is focused on providing Liberians access to education and healthcare so that its citizens can lead healthy and productive lives, many for the first time.
The seed of LiberiaCare was planted in 2006 when the founders, Enia Zigbuo-Wenzler, Louise Zigbuo-Tolbert, and Josef-Stefan Wenzler visited Liberia. They witnessed first-hand the devastating impact of war on the country and its people. It also became the catalyst for the formation of LiberiaCare, and our desire to help disadvantaged Liberians suffering from illiteracy and poor healthcare.
We believe that everyone deserves a chance.
Our Vision
LiberiaCare’s vision is to help the marginalized and disadvantaged youth of Liberia through education and healthcare. It is our core belief that everyone deserves a chance.
Our Mission
LiberiaCare seeks to give young Liberians a better future by providing need-based educational scholar-ships and direct quality healthcare.
Founders’ Father,
Wallace Nya Zigbuo
LiberiaCare is dedicated to the founders’ father, Wallace Nya Zigbuo. Born and raised in Liberia, his goal was to further his own education by coming to America. Eventually he was able to bring his children to America to live with him. Wallace taught his children to always take advantage of life’s opportunities, to always have compassion on others, to never forget where one comes from, and to always be grateful. Those lessons were the motivation behind their successes.
Now with families and successful careers of their own, the sisters established LiberiaCare, with the goal of making a difference in the lives of Liberian youth who did not have the same opportunities.
With special thanks and gratitude to our father,
Enia Zigbuo Wenzler and Louise Zigbuo Tolbert
From left to right, young picture of LiberiaCare's founders, Louise Zigbuo-Tolbert and Enia Zigbuo-Wenzler with their oldest sister Cynthia Zigbuo-Mulbah.
What We Do
LiberiaCare provides young Liberians with need-based educational scholarships and direct quality healthcare.
LiberiaCare seeks to support the most disadvantaged Liberians through the following services:
Financial scholarships to a variety of Liberia’s educational institutions
Primary care through LiberiaCare Community Health Clinic
Public Health initiatives/campaigns
Training of educators and healthcare professionals
Funding is provided by sponsorship from donors. LiberiaCare's team work as volunteers and is not financially compensated for their efforts.
Enia Zigbuo-Wenzler, president of LiberiaCare vaccinating infants and toddlers at a Well Baby Clinic at a rural health post in Liberia, summer 2007.
Distribution of backpacks and school supplies at LiberiaCare's annual school kick-off event, Monrovia, Liberia, 2021.